Friday, July 19, 2013

The Monster: Nail It

Every fashionista knows that fashion doesn't stop at the clothes. The little details do count and, sometimes, they're the things that either make or break a whole outfit. One little detail in particular are your nails. They add that small touch of "whoa" to an outfit when the right colour is worn.

Now, this doesn't mean that you should run into the stores and grab every colour of nail polish to ever exist. But, you should have the "essential" ones: (that is my Sesame Street poster in the background)

  • BLACK and WHITEthe first two colours that any person should buy and should never run out on. Why? Black goes with pretty much any dark coloured outfit whilst white goes with any light coloured outfit. Whenever you run out of the colour you wanted to wear, make sure you have these two on reserve. 
  • YOUR WARDROBE - before starting any nail polish collection, make sure that you get the right colours. Look in your wardrobe and see which colours you have the most and which outfits you are likely to wear the most. There's no point in buying an orange nail polish if there's nothing orange in your wardrobe. It's a waste of money AND polish - those things don't last forever. Most of the colours in my nail polish collection is a shade of purple or red.
  • THE QUICK-DRY - we all know that some nail polishes take a really long time to dry but you can also buy quick-dry ones. I never buy a bottle of nail polish unless it says quick-dry on it. I hate not being able to do anything for an hour. 
  • A TOP COAT/CLEAR POLISH - without a top coat, your nail polish will crack off at some point. If you're planning on wearing a certain colour for more than a day then you should always have a bottle of clear nail polish. I don't know how this is made but I do know that it preserves your nail colour and stops it from chipping - really helpful if you're the type of person who draws on their nails. Also, as an added bonus, they make your nails shine.
If you don't have any of these in your nail polish collection then go get them now!

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