Friday, July 5, 2013

Amazing Alex: My Style

Welcome to my first post on my collaboration blog with Pauline. I am super excited to be sharing this with you- my style!

My style consists of anything and everything. I'm always willing to try different styles. I can be your country cowgirl, or your girl looking like she's a fashionista in New York City (a girl can dream.)

This is my go to style for the fall season. (Please excuse my hair.)
My staple piece: cowboy boots
I didn't take that many pictures of me with my cowboy boot on unfortunately, so this picture will have to do. My apologies.

I made these shorts all by myself (with the help of my mom.) I made a DIY post on my own blog if you would like to make them yourself.

Here's more of a casual date night look. I went to the movies with my guy best friend and we saw Monsters Inc. University- it was awesome!

A very laid back look. I have a pop of color in the shoes and the shirt. The back of the shirt is completely open back.

This is something I would just wear out with some friends.

Here's my "New York" inspired look. Staple Piece: black leggings- they're amazing.

Another casual look.

My style as you can probably tell is mostly casual. My summer nights are spent with my friends and we don't do nothing more than hangout and talk or of course, play truth or dare. That's like our main thing, haha. I love American Eagle for bottom pieces. They fit very well.

For tops, I also like to go to American Eagle. I also really enjoy, PacSun, Charlotte Russe, Forever21, etc. All of those typical stores.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the outfits I wear when I'm just out and about hanging gout with friends, shopping, etc.



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  1. :) love your D.I.Y shorts, now I have to go searching on your blog to find the post :) Love the blog, Alex and Pauline. :D


    1. Thank you so much ONY! We really appreciate it! :)
